Thursday, December 10, 2009
Aidmatrix Disaster / Office Continuity Plan
With the help of our incredible volunteer Michele Pavlyak, we also piloted a business continuity and alerting technology system during this time. This system is a hosted service created for organizations and emergency operation centers specializing in responding to natural disasters, business disruptions, crisis or other emergencies. The system would send out alert emails and phone calls describing the situation to each of us, and provided us with a way to communicate our status to each other. It also would notify us with information for conference calls to discuss the current situation together.
Thanks to our high level of preparedness, I believe that our office was able to seamlessly transition to working at home with no warning, just as if a disaster were to strike. This is something that I believe that all businesses, no matter how small or large, should be prepared for.
Michael Ross
VP-Technology, Aidmatrix
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Aidmatrix Visits PediPlace in Lewisville, Texas

PediPlace is a member of the National Association of Free Clinics (NAFC). What separates PediPlace from other similar medical clinics is that they exclusively cater to children, from birth to 18. They serve children who are uninsured or who receive Medicaid or CHIP benefits. CHIP is the Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health insurance to all uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance.

Currently, PediPlace sees 90-100 patients each day, all on an appointment system. This year they will be seeing their most ever patients, with a projected total of 63,000. The clinic staff makes sure that newborns are seen for all their regular check-ups, and they teach parents the benefit of bringing their babies in when they are healthy, not just when they are sick.
I really enjoyed getting to spend some time visiting a place that Aidmatrix helps, and to see them in action. Each staff member we spoke with was extremely grateful to Aidmatrix for the donated and discounted medical supplies that they are able to order through our technology, FreeClinicLink™.
I cannot wait for my next visit to see how we are able to help our partners do the incredible work that they do.
Graham Caywood
Aidmatrix Program Specialist
Monday, December 7, 2009
Help Aidmatrix Win a Chance at $25,000 from Chase!
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Dallas Business Journal CFO of the Year Awards Luncheon
Daniel David
Aidmatrix Program Manager

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Aidmatrix Helps Communities Prepare for Disaster Seasons
-by Gov. Scott McCallum-
Summer evokes fantasies of weekends at the beach, vacations with the family and the sun shining brightly through the office window. But for many people around the world, summer brings about images that are far less pleasant: the start of Hurricane Season. Everyone knows what happened to New Orleans in 2005, but what about in 2008? The destruction may not have been as massive or as publicized, but the effect the storm had on several communities was devastating. The state of Louisiana wanted to be better prepared …
Read the full story>>
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
National Association of Free Clinics Annual Summit
It was a pleasure to connect with clinic administrators, staff, and volunteers that Melis Jones and I met last year in Rhode Island and hear updates concerning their clinics. Additionally, I met attendees that I have the privilege of supporting and had not met previously. One, Larry Robins of PediPlace in Lewisville, TX has graciously agreed to give several of our team a tour on Friday, Oct. 30th. His clinic is atypical in that they only serve children, whereas most of the NAFC member clinics do not serve children because they are generally covered under the CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) program, which is federally funded.
Many attendees reiterated their sincere gratitude to Aidmatrix. With small operating budgets for many and a really challenging economy, their cash donations are even more negatively impacted. The savings they receive ordering discounted and donated product through FreeClinicLink has been a real blessing to them.

I enjoyed interfacing with our valuable vendor partners as well including reps from Invacare Supply Group, Paul Fohlin; Home Diagnostics, Randy Lowenberg; and Henry Schein, Mike Clawson. Additionally, I reconnected with Morgan White of AmeriCares to whom we are thankful for managing many of our donations.

The summit also allowed me the opportunity to spend time with Nicole Lamoureux, the NAFC executive director, and many of her board members. Thanks to Nicole and M. Jean Serafy of the Free Clinics of the Western Region for all their hard work in making this annual summit for the free clinics so informative and meaningful. These free clinics do the work of angels on the ground with the uninsured and underinsured in America.
Next year’s summit will be held in Cleveland, OH.
Charlotte Medley
Aidmatrix Office Manager
Monday, November 2, 2009
Resilience is about Solidarity
Helena Lindberg, Director General of MSB, opened the conference. In her introductory remarks Ms. Lindgerg said, “There are no boundaries in contingencies. Preparedness is all.” Approximately 70 senior representatives from disaster relief agencies, consultancies, governments and the EU Commission participated. Notable amongst the participants was Her Excellency Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson, Ambassador to Sweden from the Philippines who gave a compelling view of her country’s vulnerability to natural disasters and a profile of disaster response in typhoon emergencies.
Over the 2-day conference presentations addressed issues of Emergency Disasters on Road and Rail Transport; Lessons Identified from Recent Disasters, and Major City Resilience-Links between Government, Business and the Emergency Services. The session on NGOs Response to Disasters included presentations from Feed the Children, and Global FoodBanking Network (USA) and the Civil Protection unit of the EU Office of the Red Cross.
Shari Temple, Managing Director, Aidmatrix EMEA, addressed the assembly on the topic of secondary disasters in crisis scenarios under the heading Critical National Infrastructure. Ms. Temple's presentation was well received. People said they were so concerned with primary disaster response that hearing the effect of unneeded donations in terms of both time and money enlightening and cautionary.
The unifying message of the conference was set forth by Lindberg, who noted that, “Resilient societies are societies which can bounce back from disasters. Resilience is about the capacity to give and to receive help. Resilience is about solidarity.” A clear call to action and renewed commitment which resonated deeply with all conference participants.
Elena Mendoza
Marketing Director, Aidmatrix Europe
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Aidmatrix Receives $500,000 Pledge from The UPS Foudnation
“The UPS Foundation has seen the tangible impact of the Aidmatrix Network on relief efforts in the U.S. – so we are proud to support this effort to transform relief operations around the globe,” said Ken Sternad, president of The UPS Foundation.
Click the title above to learn more
Keith Thode, COO, Aidmatrix
Monday, August 31, 2009
Aidmatrix Technology Impacts Sri Lanka
The agency has a nearby field office responsible for helping care for nearly 300,000 Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) rendered homeless due to the conflict. About 7 months ago, Jacob received a promotion – the opportunity to come to the office and perform some warehouse record keeping. This week, Jacob learned Aidmatrix’s Online Relief Warehouse application.
With only 7 months of mostly self-taught computer experience as a background, Jacob has been able to master the Aidmatrix system – providing real-time critical warehouse information to managers and executives throughout the agency’s offices in-country and at their international headquarters.
His efforts to master and use the Aidmatrix system in the field have empowered him to be a significant contributor to the relief efforts in his home region. He’s also providing valuable feedback to improve the solution, so he and others can make an even greater impact through their application of the technology. Jacob’s obvious pride in his new-found role as the key information source is well deserved. He is a tireless contributor who is passionate about his work. It is an honor to empower him with our tools and to count him as a member of the Aidmatrix community.

Keith Thode, COO, Aidmatrix
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Connect with Aidmatrix
Recent Topics of Discussion:
LinkedIn: Best Practices for Nonprofits on Social Media Sites
Twitter: Donating Cash over Products during Food Drives
Flickr: Photos from Aidmatrix Team Visit to Christian Community Action
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Aidmatrix Visit to Christian Community Action
The tour began with a few of their directors talking with us about CCA and showing us a heartwarming video about all the services that they provide. We were then given a tour of the medical clinic, where we got to see how our technology, FreeClinicLink™, was being used to help in the care of thousands of people in need of medical attention. Our Delivery Team, who created all the software, was graciously thanked by the CCA medical clinic director. Thanks to FreeClincLink™, CCA saved more than $130,000 on donated and discounted medical supplies.

Their food pantry was just as impressive. More than 800 families use their pantry each week, and they are able to choose foods they want to eat. CCA is affiliated with North Texas Food Bank, and they use our AgencyExpress™ program to receive a greater quantity of food more efficiently than ever before.

Christian Community Action also had a large donation processing center, with one of their three resale stores located at the Lewisville site. It was a great experience for all the Aidmatrix employees to visit an organization that we provide the technology to help enrich so many lives.

Graham Caywood, Program Specialist
Monday, July 20, 2009
Aidmatrix “Thank You Accenture” Networking Event
Governor Scott McCallum, Aidmatrix CEO and President, addressed the guests early in the event. He graciously thanked Accenture for their support these past 7 years, especially for the recent use of their office space. Accenture has worked with the Aidmatrix Foundation to apply its consulting and technology skills to transform humanitarian relief. Accenture supports Aidmatrix through direct financial support, pro-bono support, and volunteer and employee giving campaigns. Their support has helped Aidmatrix and their relief partners assist with disaster relief from Hurricane Katrina to the CA wildfires, the Iowa floods, and to the recent tornados in Mississippi.

Governor McCallum spoke on the partnerships Aidmatrix is building, the partnerships Aidmatrix is expanding upon and the humanitarian aid Aidmatrix is providing all around the world. He concluded by answering questions.

There was a world tour of wines, all provided by the Dallas Fine Wine and Spirits Shoppe. The event was well attended by more than 75 attendees, ranging from Accenture employees, Aidmatrix Governor’s Board members, Aidmatrix employees and other guests alike.

View more photos from the event on our Flickr page
Graham Caywood
Aidmatrix Program Specialist
Monday, July 13, 2009
Aidmatrix Summer Intern's Visit to Mission Arlington
Last week, along with my mentor Charlotte Medley, I visited Mission Arlington, a free clinic/food bank located in Alrington, Texas. They use a large, eclectic variety of discounted and donated products, provided through the Aidmatrix system FreeClinicLink™. To say that my perspective on the work I do changed is an understatement. This mission was filled with volunteers who have everything to give, including something very precious: their time. All the volunteers help copious amounts of people through the clinic, food pantry, clothing distribution, etc.

The majority of my visit was in the medical clinic, where patients were overflowing the lobby. People without insurance and money humbly took a seat and waited for the nurses to call. The doctors were unbelievably amiable and sincere people; they realize that many of these patients have been waiting since as early as three or four in the morning, so they take care of everyone with patience and compassion. All the discounted and donated products were lined up in storage closets and I realized that the Mission Arlington Clinic rapidly runs through that supply. Light humor and love satiated the clinic, and each patient walked out with a feeling of content.

The office staff, translators, nurses, and other volunteers all amazed me with their gracious spirit of volunteerism and their sincere desire to serve people in need despite their circumstances. I was so moved by how everyone wanted to give and even those who did not have much continued to smile. The volunteers helped those in need. They can also help people to realize that anyone can play a part in helping by offering their personal time out of their own work environment. I encourage everyone, if they have not already had the chance, to venture into a clinic, experience something new, and to help someone who cannot return the favor.
Shruthi Rajashekar, Aidmatrix Summer Intern
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Aidmatrix CEO wins Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award

In the theater, each award category was announced by an impressive line-up of executives, a series of video presentations highlighting the work of the category’s finalists played and then the anticipated envelope containing the winner’s name was opened. Governor McCallum was a finalist in the Innovative Category and it was exciting to see Aidmatrix on the Big Screen. Charlotte and I waited in anticipation for the envelope to be opened. And the winner is… “J. Scott McCallum”! We were thrilled at this exciting moment made even more exciting by the audience reaction, the bright lights and my journey to the stage accompanied by grand orchestra music to accept the award on behalf of Gov. McCallum and the Aidmatrix team.

After the awards ceremony, many of the event attendees approached Charlotte and me to congratulate us and to tell us how impressed and moved they were by the work of Gov. McCallum and Aidmatrix. We were proud to be the only nonprofit organization headed by an Ernst & Young EOY finalist at the event and guests were excited about our work and the fact that we bring such innovation to global humanitarian relief.
Governor McCallum was in impressive company among the finalists. The 11winners were:
J. Scott McCallum, CEO of Aidmatrix Foundation; David Boone, CEO of American CareSource Holdings Inc.; Miles “Jay” Allison, CEO of Comstock Resources Inc. in Frisco, TX; Lew Kling, CEO of Flowserve Corp.; Juli Spottiswood, CEO of Parago Inc.; John Pinkerton, CEO of Range Resources Corp.; Anthony Parella, CEO of Shared Technologies; Gail Warrior-Lawrence, CEO of Warrior Group; Michael Nadeau, CEO of Viverae Inc.; Mark Simmons, chairman of Simmons Foods Inc.; and John Matheson, CEO of Global Power Equipment Group Inc.
These 11 executives along with the winners from other regions now vie for the national Entrepreneur of the Year awards, which will be announced November 14 at a ceremony in Palm Springs, California.
Karen Krygowski, Director of Corporate Development
Friday, June 12, 2009
Aidmatrix wins Supply Chain Distinction Award

The following companies were rewarded for their achievements in the following categories:
• Operational Excellence - Procter & Gamble
• Sourcing Excellence - Bunge
• Best Collaborative Practice - Electrolux
• Supply Chain Innovation - Procter & Gamble
• Best Value Chain / Supply Chain Solutions Provider - Aidmatrix
• Supply Chain Skills - Herbalife
• Green Supply Chain - Ford
• Supply Chain of the Year - Herbalife
It was interesting after the award ceremony how many people came up to say how great it was that Aidmatrix could have an impact on the humanitarian sector – including a couple of the judges. I have accepted other supply chain awards over the years, but this one had to be the most exciting. I am proud to be part of Aidmatrix and the impact we have and will have on the humanitarian sector. I have always believed that supply chain improvements are important.

Shari Temple, Managing Director - Europe
Friday, May 8, 2009
Announcing the new Aidmatrix Website!
You'll find information about all our new solutions and relief programs.
Check it out at
Friday, May 1, 2009
Pandemic Preparedness
As the impact of the recent swine flu pandemic is increasing, the Aidmatrix office is taking steps to operationalize our continuity plan to ensure both a) that the programs we support remain operational and able to scale as this situation warrants, and b) that our employees are safe and healthy.
We encourage our partners to engage in similar preparedness and prevention activities. Please see for some general organizational readiness planning templates and checklists.
On an individual readiness perspective, some tips we found helpful from the CDC website are below:
- You can look at planning guides to help you, your family, your workplace, and your community at
- Make a list of important contacts for home, school, and work.
- Talk with your neighbors, workplace, and school about how to plan for staying home if you or your household members are sick.
- Think about services you may need and make plans with your service providers.
- Be prepared to, buy and store at least 2-weeks’ supplies of food, water, medicine, and facemasks. (Food and supplies may be hard to get during a pandemic.) When you have to stay home, these supplies will support your family and pets.
- Be aware, plan ahead, and share with others what you have learned. Together, we can help protect ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Wash hands and cover coughs and sneezes
A new pandemic flu virus will spread easily from person to person, mostly through coughing and sneezing. When a sick person coughs or sneezes near you, you can breathe in droplets that have the virus. The droplets also could land on surfaces you may touch with your hands.
Get in the habit of washing your hands often and covering your coughs and sneezes. These actions can help you stay healthy now. They also may help protect you and your family during a flu pandemic.
Aidmatrix is currently engaging our partners to support them in their on-the-ground efforts to provide care and help to those affected by the pandemic. Stay tuned for more updates soon on how we are working with our partners.
Keith Thode, COO, Aidmatrix
Monday, April 27, 2009
LIVE Post from the NTEN National Technology Conference
This is the premier conference in the Nonprofit IT world. In a down economy, the conference sold out - it's that valuable of an experience.
Right now Clay Shirky is speaking, author of Here Comes Everybody - really society-shaking observations.
'We spend more time & energy finding out if something will fail, than we would have if we just tried it.'
'In social media, the intention of users has more impact than the intention of the designers.'
are just two of the quotes 'retweeted' on the internet.
Catch portions of the conference live at
I am presenting at the NTEN Conference from 3.30-5pm CST today as one of the author-led sessions from our book Managing Technology to Meet your Mission.
The topic: Budgeting and Funding for IT. I have assembled a panel including Tracy Isler of Accenture, Michael Enos of the Santa Clara Food Bank, and Simon Moloney of NPower. I think it's a great mix of practitioners and advisors.
You can help our session be successful from wherever you are...
Send me thoughts regarding the topic by email at or better yet send Twitter messages with the hash - #MYMBudget - All comments and questions, points to resources, etc. are welcome.
See the chatter live by Twitter Searching for 09NTC. It's amazing just to see the change in our culture and how we relate to technology. While Shirky is speaking, there are about 200 simultaneously commenting on his lecture live online.
Keith Thode, COO and CTO, Aidmatrix
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Feeding America Conference
As you can imagine, the state of the economy was the number 1 issue addressed by the food banks. This served as an opportunity to frame Agency Express as a cost saving application. Agency Express helps the fight against hunger by allowing the food pantries that depend on Food Banks to order online. In turn, the tool saves food banks tremendous time allowing them to focus on relief work instead of paper work. I received verbal promises from 14 food banks that they would be signing up with Agency Express in the next 2 years. Half of these food banks I had already been reaching out to in the past.
Feeding America is in the planning phases of a large technology update project for all of their food banks called the Athena project. They are hoping to be able to enhance all technological operations for food banks nationwide. Online ordering will be a small part of this, but within the next 5 years the list of AE eligible food banks will increase from roughly 25 to over a 120. The future holds a lot of potential to expand the hunger programs even more.
Brad Watts, Texas Program Manager
Monday, April 13, 2009
First Food Bank in Africa
Aidmatrix became involved with the project the middle of last year. We have helped them with business plans, funding proposals, and technology solutions. I’ve had the opportunity to travel there 5 times over the last months. It was great seeing the food bank in operation. During this last trip, I helped setup the Aidmatrix warehouse system to assist them in managing their inventory. It was great meeting the people. Every one of them loved their job and happy they could work in a place to help the hungry in their nation.
The celebration event on April 6 included people from across the country from those involved in the setup of FoodBank South Africa and the community food banks to government officials to media and to those being served by the food bank. They had several entertainers. With the exception of the local comedian as MC, all the others were recipients of food.
Here are a few pictures from the event:
One of my favorite things was learning about the Lunch Buddies program. This is a program where the more affluent schools provide extra sandwiches for the less affluent schools. The students bring an extra lunch sack to school. Then they are collected each morning and then distributed to the other schools. One man told how his kids would not make their own lunch but wanted to make the extra sandwich to give away. What a great way to teach children about those in need.
This last picture is from just outside the warehouse as the sun was setting.
Shari Temple, Managing Director - Europe
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dallas Headquarters has Moved!
Our new physical address is:
Aidmatrix Foundation
5221 N. O'Connor Blvd
Irving TX, 75039
Our new mailing address is:
Aidmatrix Foundation
P.O. Box 631086
Irving, TX 75063-1086
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thank You Reception for i2
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Managing Technology to Meet your Mission
We have the privilege of working with some of the most amazing people in the relief world. From our staff to our partners and supporters, we learn from and walk alongside some amazing people. In this book we team up with some of our friends, old and new, from the nonprofit technology world to put together a practical guide for senior executives in the nonprofit world. Much of our ability to share our insights comes from the work we have done with our partners in the Aidmatrix community.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Touring a local Free Clinic and Food Pantry
My heart was really touched by the aid provided through staff such as Cheryl, the clinic administrator, and food pantry assistant manager, Kenn. Kenn shared that some former donors to the food pantry are now recipients due to the down turn in the economy. Fortunately the Boy Scouts have just completed their food drive, but in a month, the shelves could be sparse.
Connecting with the “angels” that staff our free clinics and food pantries puts a human face on what we do as their technology partner. Without these caring people, many in our community would have no where to turn in time of need. GRACE is truly the grace of compassionate people helping their brothers and sisters in need.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dallas Networking Event, 2/24/09
Friday, February 27, 2009
Corporate Simulation of Aidmatrix In-Kind Technology
Mike Seifert, CEO in Residence, Aidmatrix, presented an overview of the national disaster relief network and how the states work through Aidmatrix technology to coordinate donations and needs between donors and relief agencies. Then, I reviewed the disaster scenario - a hurricane (yes, in February) had hit Washington DC and that this team of Accenture employees had been selected to manage the disaster relief efforts through the National Donations Management Network, powered by Aidmatrix. Members of the group were assigned their roles as donors, administrators, or nonprofits and they began sharing transactions through the network. After 30 minutes of intense activity and communication, the group came together to discuss results and provide valuable feedback to us at Aidmatrix. We will utilize this professional information when developing future technology enhancements.
I want to thank Sean Burke, Scott Zailer, and Lauren Ross of Accenture for their invaluable efforts in making this event possible.
Daniel David, Program Manager
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Corporate Social Responsibility DNA
For me, the corporate DNA struck home. I spent most of my career at Texas Instruments in Dallas where being a good corporate citizen ranked equally, or close, to making profit. TI always took it seriously and did not do it for marketing purposes.
After the meeting, I talked to many of the attendees – both Americans and Germans. To my surprise, many did not ‘get’ what the presentation was about and how it impacted them. They had no idea what they could or should do. Later, I remembered then that as a college graduate in my first job at NCR Corporation, that I saw all the paper that was thrown out – and personally bought some recycle cans to use and took the paper to the recycling center every Saturday. This was back in the early 70’s before recycling was popular (and before I understood corporate hierarchy). I hope they are still recycling now – and it is part of their DNA.
Corporate culture changes are not just top down. We can all play a role in changing the corporate DNA. I challenge myself and others to look at how our company could be a better corporate citizen and how to make corporate social responsibility part of our company’s DNA. What can you do?
Shari Temple, Managing Director - Aidmatrix Europe
Friday, February 20, 2009
5 Ways to Check a Charity
1.“Look at Spending Priorities – Aim for Organizations that spend at least 75% of their programs on budget.” Aidmatrix well exceeds this guideline, spending a staggering 97% of income on domestic and international programs to deliver humanitarian relief through technology.
2.“Evaluate Accountability – Be sure the group has a well-defined mission and the organizational structure to support it.” Aidmatrix’s mission is to get the right aid to the right people at the right time. More than 35,000 leading corporate, nonprofit and government partners leverage our solutions to mobilize more than $1.5 billion in aid annually, worldwide. We were also included in the Better Business Bureau’s Charity Seal Program for meeting the standards of Charity Accountability. Read more.
3.“Beware Red Ink – Charities must file a Form 990 with the IRS.” Aidmatrix avoids red ink – our annual expenses do not exceed annual revenue. You can view Aidmatrix’s 990 here.
4.“Gauge the cushion – A charity can better withstand hard times if it has 6 month’s to a year’s worth of working capital.” Aidmatrix is consistently building new relationships with corporate, government and NGO partners who will help bring efficient humanitarian aid to those in need, which makes us well-positioned to withstand challenging economic environments. Aidmatrix is in keeping with the Kiplinger article’s savings standard by having adequate cash on hand at all times.
5.“Review the Charity’s Annual Report – Look for the word ‘unqualified’ in the auditor’s note, which indicates that the auditor has signed off on the charity’s finances without reservation.” The word “unqualified” appears in Aidmatrix’s 2007 Annual Auditors’ Report in the Summary of Auditors’ Results Section, Page 18, bullet 1. You can view Aidmatrix’s Annual Report here.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Techxans CIO Conference
Techxans is "the single largest Technology Executives Network in Texas". They bring technology executives together for collaboration and partnership. Aidmatrix was honored to be a part of the panel. For more information about Techxans, click here.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lone Star Association of Charitable Clinics
Surrounded by the East Texas Pines, the members of the Lone Star Association of Charitable clinics had their annual conference in the Woodlands, Texas. Over 45 free clinics were able to take a day off from serving the uninsured to learn new ideas in the free clinic world. After many other valuable classes in development, fundraising, and health clinic management, the group met for lunch and heard the message of FreeClinicLink™, Aidmatrix's medical relief program.
The presentation began with a general inquiry to the audience of who has heard of FreeClinicLink™. About half of the audience raised their hand and those people were asked what they thought of the solution. Shouts from the audience included “we love it,” “you guys are great,” “it has saved us so much,” and “thank you thank you thank you.” Many of the clinics who were not using the program flooded the booth after the presentation in efforts to save their clinic what the average clinic saves - $80,000 a year. It reminded me how valuable this program is to millions of people across the country, and it reaffirmed how much of an impact the program can make in local communities to the uninsured.
Brad Watts, Texas Program Manager
Want to find out more about the program? Click here.Friday, January 23, 2009
Aidmatrix Participates in the "We are Microsoft" Charity Challenge Weekend
I am excited because of the opportunity to directly interact with these nonprofits, and even more so because of the commitment to help on the part of the 100 technology volunteers; they spent their entire weekend (and some VERY late nights) helping out humanity with the skills they use in the for-profit world. Thanks to all who were involved in this great event.
Michael Ross, VP Delivery at Aidmatrix
To learn more about this event on Facebook, click here.
Friday, January 9, 2009
New Blog for 2009.
This blog will be a way for you to follow our adventures around the world - from Africa, to India, to Europe and the Americas and beyond. Thank you for taking the time to read it and we welcome your comments.
Join us in our journey, as we continually strive to deliver the right aid at the right time to those who need it.