Last week, along with my mentor Charlotte Medley, I visited Mission Arlington, a free clinic/food bank located in Alrington, Texas. They use a large, eclectic variety of discounted and donated products, provided through the Aidmatrix system FreeClinicLink™. To say that my perspective on the work I do changed is an understatement. This mission was filled with volunteers who have everything to give, including something very precious: their time. All the volunteers help copious amounts of people through the clinic, food pantry, clothing distribution, etc.

The majority of my visit was in the medical clinic, where patients were overflowing the lobby. People without insurance and money humbly took a seat and waited for the nurses to call. The doctors were unbelievably amiable and sincere people; they realize that many of these patients have been waiting since as early as three or four in the morning, so they take care of everyone with patience and compassion. All the discounted and donated products were lined up in storage closets and I realized that the Mission Arlington Clinic rapidly runs through that supply. Light humor and love satiated the clinic, and each patient walked out with a feeling of content.

The office staff, translators, nurses, and other volunteers all amazed me with their gracious spirit of volunteerism and their sincere desire to serve people in need despite their circumstances. I was so moved by how everyone wanted to give and even those who did not have much continued to smile. The volunteers helped those in need. They can also help people to realize that anyone can play a part in helping by offering their personal time out of their own work environment. I encourage everyone, if they have not already had the chance, to venture into a clinic, experience something new, and to help someone who cannot return the favor.
Shruthi Rajashekar, Aidmatrix Summer Intern
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