• Peter Ricardo from Food Bank of Central New York, East Syracuse, NY
“I’m sure most food sourcers will tell you that much of our time is busied with being out in the service area, visiting donors, making calls, and looking for opportunities to connect food. To have the Choice System as handy as your phone will be a wonderful addition to the tool box that saves trips back to the office or searches for Wi-Fi hotspots. Thanks Aidmatrix.”
•Don Moore from The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri, Columbia, MO
As one of the testers of ChoiceMobile, I was excited we would be getting the mobile ap. I use Linux/Firefox on my computer at home so my only choice was to be at the office, have someone else bid for me, or skip bidding altogether. The very first day the mobile ap was available, I had to be away from the office for a project that lasted several hours longer than expected. I was able to bid from my MOTOROLA DROID. You did an awesome job guys. Thanks for the tool that I will surely use to do my job more effectively.

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