In January 2012, the San Francisco Fleet Week Association partnered with the City and County of San Francisco, providing support for a fact-finding team from the multiple city agencies to visit the area. The team advised officials from Van on suggested needs and options for effectively providing humanitarian aid to those affected. There is still a need for the essentials - food, water, personal hygiene and childcare products, etc.), temporary shelter and building supplies, and emergency response and medical equipment to rebuild their emergency response infrastructures.
The Fleet Week Association has launched portals for both goods and financial donations. Nearly 30,000 pounds of a hot grain product made by Nestle called Keyf-i Tahıl were recently sent to the citizens of Van. In partnership with Gıda Bankacılığı Derneği (the Turkish Food Bank Association), Aidmatrix and the Fleet Week Association facilitated the donation of product and discounted transportation to make this delivery happen.
Learn more and respond with direct donations to those in need
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